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Hand Surgery

Address complex hand injuries, such as those resulting from trauma, burns or congenital deformities.


In the world of plastic and cosmetic surgery, Microvascular Hand Surgery shines as a pioneering procedure, revolutionizing the treatment of hand injuries and deformities. It’s precision and life-changing impact offers patients newfound hope and restored functionality.

Why is Microvascular Hand Surgery Done?

Microvascular hand surgery is primarily performed to address complex hand injuries, such as those resulting from trauma, burns or congenital deformities. These injuries often involve damage to blood vessels, nerves, tendons and bones, requiring meticulous reconstruction to restore both form and function to the hand. Additionally, this procedure is utilized in cases of severe arthritis or nerve compression syndromes, where traditional treatments have proven ineffective.

Procedure of Microvascular Hand Surgery:

Microvascular hand surgery is a highly intricate procedure performed under general anesthesia. It involves several key steps:

Preparation: The surgeon carefully assesses the extent of the injury or deformity through advanced imaging techniques, such as MRI or CT scans, to plan the surgical approach.

Incision and Exposure: A precise incision is made to access the damaged structures within the hand, ensuring optimal visibility and access for the surgical team.

Microvascular Repair: Using specialized microsurgical instruments and techniques, the surgeon meticulously repairs damaged blood vessels, nerves, tendons and bones, often requiring magnification with loupes or a microscope.

Closure: Once the reconstruction is complete, the incisions are meticulously closed with sutures, minimizing scarring and promoting proper healing.

Postoperative Care: Patients undergo comprehensive postoperative care, including physical therapy, to optimize recovery and regain hand function.

Techniques in Microvascular Hand Surgery:

Vascular Anastomosis: The delicate process of reconnecting severed blood vessels using microsurgical techniques, ensuring adequate blood flow to the reconstructed tissues.

Nerve Repair: Precise alignment and suturing of damaged nerves to facilitate sensory and motor recovery, crucial for restoring sensation and movement in the hand.

Soft Tissue Reconstruction: Utilizing various tissue grafts or flaps to reconstruct soft tissue defects, restoring skin coverage and preserving underlying structures.

Benefits of Microvascular Hand Surgery:

Restored Functionality: By repairing damaged blood vessels, nerves and tissues with precision, microvascular hand surgery aims to restore normal hand function, including sensation, mobility and strength.

Improved Aesthetics: Beyond functionality, microvascular techniques focus on achieving optimal aesthetic outcomes, minimizing scarring and deformities to enhance the hand's appearance.

Enhanced Quality of Life: For individuals whose livelihoods depend on manual dexterity, such as musicians, artists or craftsmen, microvascular hand surgery can significantly improve their ability to perform daily tasks and pursue their passions.

What Sets Us Apart In Microvascular Hand Surgery?

Experienced & skilled: Highly skilled plastic & cosmetic surgeon ensures optimal outcomes.

Advanced Facilities: Equipped with cutting-edge technology for precision procedures.

Patient-Centered Care: Prioritize safety comfort, and satisfaction.

Proven Success: Track record of successful outcomes and satisfied patients.

Microvascular Hand Surgery represents a remarkable fusion of artistry and science, offering renewed hope and functionality to individuals facing complex hand injuries or deformities.

Hand Surgery
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